Monday, May 18, 2009

The big game

The events relevent to the big game have always been occupying my mind since the last few months.By big game, I refer to the current series of politically complex chain of events taking place in the area engulfing Pakistan-Afghanistan and a part of Central Asia.
Currently I am confused about one thing regarding the nature of reaction that must be carried out by us as the citizens of a country in severe danger. one, should we start improving our moral lives individually to wait for a long run effetive impact on our problems or should we outrightly initiate anything the sort of a movement to recapture our dignity.while the first option appears too inefficient, the second one appears too ineffective and hasty.


Zahir Shah said...

It seems as if we will be affected anyways, regadless of what we do or dont. The chain of events taking place shows a blur description of how the 'nternational forces' shaped the lives of citizens of many other countries,and now they have already started turning the lives of our people in a complete hell.

bahawalshahryar said...

all is not lost.there are options our think tanks have never even,i think, thought of employing.i do think of them and i do think that their use can reverse the chain of events.but our establishment never thinks out of the box.lolz